Dan Piraro

Cartoon humour…
Bizarro is a series of humoristic cartoons started in 1985 by Dan Piraro. 33 years and 12000 ‘toons later, his etchings have become a veritable American institution.
The Author
He’s smoked cigars, been an animal rights activist, been a TV presenter, done stand-up comedy, all the while earning a living from drawing daily cartoons over three decades. In Bizarro Dan Piraro shares his takes on: the world, religion, bunnies, cats and much more besides! He’s won numerous awards including “Best Panel Feature” three years on the trot 2002-2004 (and again in 2016!), not forgetting “Cartoonist of the Year” in 2009. On social networks his works gets over a million fan interactions per month!!!

Our view
It’s incomprehensible that Dan Piraro’s cartoons have never been published abroad when his work appears in over 360 newspapers across the USA everyday. It’s time the world knew about Bizarro and Piraro!
A series of the very best newspaper cartoons.
The team at Caurette are (mega) proud to present our new series: Pressed Humour.
“Pressed” because these are cartoons that you find published in the Press, and because the principle of these one-panel gags is their rapid consumption.
Ironic, absurd, wacky or cynical, the illustrations in this series continue the same vain as classics like Gary Larson’s The Far Side. So it is with two of the most popular American Press cartoonists that we’re kicking off the series.
We’ll be publishing 4-6 series titles per year.

All ages, 64 pages
Dimensions: 280 x 220 mm
Full colour
Language: French
Bizarro – T1: Bizarro-ci, Bizarro-là / ISBN : 979-10-96315-38-3/ 9,90€
All ages, 128 pages
Dimensions: 140 x 140 mm
Full colour
Language: French
Bizarro – T2: Carto(o)n plein / ISBN : 979-10-96315-42-0 / 9