#Hardcover Solo: OthalaM



An… explicit art book

Following the success of the four previous volumes in the “#hardcover” series, which brought together erotic illustrations by a wide range of artists, here is the first volume in the “#hardcover solo” series.
“#hardcover solo”, featuring the work of Italian artist OthalaM and her… very naked pin-ups!

You might be familiar with her work from the many comic covers she worked on or perhaps from her social media and Patreon. Even though she is not working as a full-time artist, her output is huge and she continues to post multiple artworks per week. Which is great, because that is the best way to fill an art book.

OthalaM Inside
OthalaM inside

The artist: OthalaM

Based in Northern Italy, OthalaM started drawing as a young girl, never seriously imagining that it could become a career. At first, her main mediums were graphite, colored pencils, and watercolors, but she soon abandoned them in favor of a small drawing tablet, innocently gifted to her by an unawares parent. She has been making digital art ever since.

Despite choosing to pursue a degree in a completely different field, followed by a full-time job soon after, her passion for making art only grew stronger. She was drawing nearly every day and posting as much as she could in an attempt to build an online presence.

Now, when not working, she spends all of her time painting spicy fantasy ladies for private clients and publishers like Cheeky Comics.

Follow OthalaM on PatreonX/Twitter, and Instagram.

OTHALAM - Portrait
OthalaM inside


+18 yo: adults only!
Size: 19 x 24,3 cm
208 pages in colour
No text
ISBN: 978-2-38289-133-9
Price: 50 €
Launched in 2025

This book was the subject of a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter, in partnership with our dear Spiridon Giannakis.


#Hardcover Solo: OthalaM is available on our online shop LiberDistri .