After the success of Monograph, Julien Delval & Éditions Caurette are delighted to present this new project, a magnificent illustrated version of Othello, one of William Shakespeare’s most memorable and significant tragedies.
A word by Julien Delval
I have always been a fan of Shakespeare’s work, from open air recitals in the park in Cambridge to big screen adaptations and illustrated volumes by the greats, Rackham and Dulac.
When I thought about which of this great author’s plays I would most like to illustrate, the tragedy of Othello immediately sprung to mind for its notoriety and timelessness. I also chose it for its fantastic setting: Venice, Cyprus, and the Mediterranean during the renaissance.
Of course, theatre is written to be performed and so what you see here is but a glimpse of the iconic scenes, settings and costumed characters of the play. I have taken a lot of inspiration from the opera backdrops of the 19th century, like those of Pierre-Luc-Charles Cicéri and Philippe Chaperon. I wanted to breathe a little of their distinct baroque style into the scenery and painting in order to reveal the internal conflict and fervour of the characters and thus what lies behind the text.
This is my perspective.
Shakespeare’s Iconic Play

Iago is furious about being overlooked for promotion and plots to take revenge against his general, Othello, the Moor of Venice. Iago manipulates Othello into believing his wife Desdemona is unfaithful, stirring Othello’s jealousy. Othello subsequently allows this unfounded jealousy to consume him, murdering his beloved Desdemona, and then killing himself.
Read more about the play here.
A truly timeless classic from English literature, Othello has influenced many authors and artists throughout the years.
Amongst the most notable adaptations are the renowned opera by Verdi, still frequently played nowadays, as well as many movies, like the eponymous adaptation from Oliver Parker, Othello, starring Laurence Fishburn and Kenneth Branagh in 1995.
Authors such as Agatha Christie or Honoré de Balzac are known to have drawn inspiration from some of the play’s main characters, mainly the manipulative Iago. The very passionate and romantic atmosphere of the story makes it a perfect inspiration for painters as well, with its most famous representation being from Eugène Delacroix, who painted Othello et Desdémone between 1847 and 1849
The Campaign
Two simultaneous campaigns were launched on the 14th of February, one on Kickstarter and the second on the French platform Kiss Kiss Bank Bank.
“Why on two different platforms you may ask?”
Well, simply because we thought it would be a shame to only make this wonderful book available in only one language instead of two!
Both campaigns turned out to be undeniably successful!
39 019 € were raised for the project.
The books are now available on LiberDistri!

Standard Edition
22 x 29 cm / 8.6 x 11.5 inch format
Hardback film-coated cover
Hot-stamped gold title
224 full-color pages
Artic volume white 150gr
Deluxe Edition
All the above plus:
Alternative cover to be defined
3 mm thick card box
Limited edition, book-sized print of an illustration from Othello on 300 gr paper, signed by Julien Delval