If you are a book retailer and would like to set up a trade account with us, you can do so by registering your business details with us.
Simply contact our offices by phone +33 (0) 9 52 06 36 04 or email
Once registered you will receive a login and password for the Liberdistri website, which will allow you to purchase titles at a trade discount:
If you wish to discuss credit terms or our returns policy please contact us to discuss your requirements.
The information we require before opening your account is as follows:
Trading Name
Trading Address, Post Code/ZIP Code
Trade Telephone number
Primary Contact Email address
Registered Name (if different)
Registered Office Address (if different) Primary Contact Job Title Primary Contact Telephone Primary Contact Email
Buyer’s contact details
Structure of Organisation (eg. Private Limited, Sole trader, Partnership, Coop, etc.)
Name(s) of Sole Trader
your company Registration Number
VAT number
Thank you!