Raphaël Lacoste
Raphaël Lacoste is one the most famous « Senior Art Director » in the video game industry. He won several awards including a VES Award for his work on the Prince of Persia video game but he also helped create numerous blockbusters such as Terminator Salvation, Journey to the Center of the Earth, Death Race, Immortals 2011, Repo Men, Jupiter Ascending…
Today, he is mostly known by the public for his work as the general artistic director of the Assassin’s Creed entire franchise. He nowadays works for Haven Studios in Montréal.
Check out his website: https://www.raphael-lacoste.com/
An exclusive book
Worlds is a self-published book, intended mostly for the North American market. After a successful crowdfunding campaign in early 2018 which reunited 1500 backers, the book was never reprinted nor distributed. But this mistake is about to be corrected!
In this book, Raphaël Lacoste shares a collection of his work over the last 15 years, from the most iconic (Assassin’s Creed) to more personal projects, but also the fantasy or sci-fi book covers he drew (for Bragelonne, Random House, Thor Books…), the concept-art he explored or even movie sets he worked on.