
An illustrated tale by John Howe

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  • New release!!

    Histories : Mystères et obsessions We are delighted to announce the release of  Histories : Mystères et Obsessions !!! This all-ages comic is divided in 4 parts, each dediacted to a historical character: The Unknown Woman of the Seine, Louis XIV, Agatha Christie and Sissi.  These four fascinating stories contain full documentation on Pauline Darely's research that enable going further and knowing more about these characters.  Isn't history more interesting when you know its little stories?  Caracteristics French Hardcover  A4 Format  176 full-color pages EAN : 9782382891346 Price : 24.90€ Coming out on 23rd octobre 2024 I want more info ! I want to preorder!

Crowdfunding Campains in progress

Campagne Cathedral - John Howe

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Caurette Editions

Éditions Caurette was founded in 2016 by Jean-Christophe Caurette, who, lacking inspiration, couldn’t think of a better name!
We publish art books by contemporary illustrators and painters, graphic novels and illustrated books for adults and children.
The projects we develop are diverse: originals, reprints, translations of foreign publications…
In September 2024, the Caurette team consists of 14 employees (sipping cocktails all day long) and interns who do all the work.

Our online bookshop LiberDistri is our (super) online shop where we sell artbooks, sketchbooks, comics, art prints, postcards and many other treasures.

As well as books by Caurette Editions, we also carry books by other publishers that are hard to find in Europe.

In our online bookshop you’re bound to find the books you want: from drawing to concept art, cinema to painting, the world of Disney, fantasy, children’s books and much more…


Geek-Art & Caurette : a common passion

It’s been more than ten years since started sharing with its readers the work of artists, graphic designers, illustrators, painters, sculptors, all of whom inspired by imaginary worlds, with one goal in mind: connecting art and pop culture.
We’re working with Geek-Art on a collection of Time Limited Art Prints. The concept is simple: a sale is organised over several days and the print run is limited to the number of copies sold during that period.

Giannakis Spiridon & Caurette : commun projects

Editions Caurette and Spiridon Giannakis are working together since 2018 !
This artbooks lover (see his website here) creates crowfunding campaigns hand in hand with Caurette in order to make beautiful artbooks and to decently remunerate the amazing artists we are working with.

Consult the Caurette / LiberDistri catalogue


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